Automatically finds all installed Adobe products in Applications folder and patches amtlib.framework. Manually patches any Adobe application you drop on Adobe Zii Patcher. If you have Adobe products installed in a directory different from Applications please use the drag and drop mechanism. If you have Creative Cloud subscription for certain Adobe apps […]
This is a tool to fix the Special K Patches that does not work on macOS Sierra which have the following logo: Make sure the Xcode Command Line tools is installed on your system by opening your terminal and type: xcode-select --install We recently developed a new fix for both […]
It is impossible to downgrade directly from “Sierra or El Capitan” to Yosemite by one magic click, So you need to make a clean install by erasing the current OS and install fresh Yosemite OS X. In this case what exactly do we need to do that?? Yosemite OS X installer USB Flash drive ( […]
This crack package ( AMTEmu ) support the following Adobe apps: Adobe Acrobat DC Adobe Acrobat XI Adobe Acrobat X Adobe After Effects CC 2014 –> 2017 Adobe Animate CC 2015 –> 2017 Adobe Audition CC 2014 –> 2017 Adobe Character Animator Adobe Dreamweaver CC 2014 –> 2017 Adobe Flash CC 2015 –> 2017 Adobe Illustrator […]
This is a tool to fix Both CORE KG Special K Patches UPX problem that does not work on macOS Sierra which have the following logo: Make sure the Xcode Command Line tools is installed on your system by opening your terminal and type: xcode-select --install
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Download speed is very important for all, so if you want to get the maximum speed you should then use Folx To download Folx click here Follow these steps to get the most server download speed, off course after you already download & install Folx app: 1- After you start a regular […]
For those who don’t like to use apps, there’s a way to achieve the functionality of Popcorn Time without any app. Peerflix is a torrent streaming client for Node.js created by Mathias Buus which lets you play movies or video files from torrents to VLC Media Player on Mac. Peerflix lets you stream any torrent […]