Watts 2.0 – Recalibration tool for laptop batteries


Watts is a MacBook® battery management and calibration assistant tool. It’s a menu bar app that, apart from the usual battery wattsinformation (power source used, current battery charge and remaining time), provides advanced data to obtain the maximum performance of your MacBook® battery.


Your battery needs to be calibrated from time to time to keep the onscreen battery time and percent display accurate, and to keep the battery operating at maximum efficiency. Watts features an intuitive calibration assistant that will guide you through the process of calibrating your battery. The calibration scheduling can be adjusted for your needs, and even postponed if you want. Calibration data is automatically logged, so you can see the history of your battery status.


Watts looks similar to the Mac OS® battery icon menu, and provides some extra options like vertical battery icon and more. Watts monitors you battery status constantly and provides you with information and notifications to help you using your MacBook® battery properly. Watts provides detailed information on the battery capacity, charge cycles and health. It also stores your battery data regularly, so you can check its evolution during time.



  • Watts provides detailed in-app help, everything is clearly explained!
  • Works on any MacBook® model (MacBook®, MacBook Air®, MacBook Pro®)
  • Supports Retina® display
  • Only for Mac OS® 10.11 “El Capitan” or later



Version 2.0:

  • Watts has been rebuilt from scratch using the latest Mac OS® technologies.
  • It contains the same features as previous versions, but the new code base will allow us to add new features and keep improving constantly.



  • Intel
  • OS X 10.11 or later

ScreenShots :



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Size – 7.7MB