Stater 1.0 – Displays system information in its Dock icon
Stater is a system-monitoring application that displays all information in one Dock icon and a Dock menu.
- You can click the dock icon to change view. There are four views total: combined, multi-core CPU usage, memory usage, and drive space (you can turn off any view).
- Open the dock menu for detailed information about CPU, memory usage, drive space, and top processes.
- The dock menu shows the top process icon in multi-core view on high CPU usage.
- All settings are shown in the dock menu.
- Six color schemes are included.
- The application includes no windows, no menu icons, and no redundant information–only what you need for everyday use.
- Intel, 64-bit processor
- OS X 10.9 or later
ScreenShots :
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Size – 2.1MB