SQLite Professional 1.0.40 – Advanced SQL editor
SQLite Professional is the top SQLite editor for OS X.
- Automatic data reloading when the database gets modified externally.
- Backwards compatibility with SQLite 2.
- Version integration. Mucked your database? Rollback to a previous version.
- Semiautomatic dependency resolution.
- Column reordering.
- Import or export your data in CSV, mySQL, XML, or JSON formats.
- Export custom result sets to CSV, XML, or JSON.
- Full-screen support.
- Inline filters allowing you to customize the way your data is displayed.
Version 1.0.40:
- Improved overall performance.
- Improved scrolling performance of data grids.
- UI Update.
- Primary key detection when executing custom queries.
- Custom query results can now be edited inline if primary keys have been detected.
- Some query results can now be expanded inline.
- Added bracket matching to query editors (and a preference to disable).
- Enabled ‘Enhanced Query Syntax Precedence’ for FTS.
- Improvements to dependency resolutions.
- Fixed an issue with newlines when exporting a CSV file.
- Fixed an issue with exporting to MySQL.
- Fixed an issue that could cause sql history to not work correctly.
- Fixed an issue that could cause a crash when a timestamp column had a function as the
- default value, and a new row was added via the data browser.
- Intel, 64-bit processor
- OS X 10.7 or later
ScreenShots :
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Size – 11.5MB
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