Sentenza Desktop 1.0 – Develop native OS X applications using modern web languages


With Sentenza Desktop, build Mac OS X applications with HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript. Use the APIs library to add advanced Sentenza Desktopfeatures to your project. You will be able to build standalone web applications for Mac OS X (from Snow Leopard to Mountain Lion) and deploy them on the Mac App Store or sell them in your own ways.


Using Sentenza Desktop is really simple. You have just to fill fields, radio buttons and checkboxes to customize your application. You specify the root directory where the content of your application is stored (HTML, CSS, JS files and images), and the engine will compile a standalone application. Sentenza Desktop is compatible and optimized for using HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript (of course you can use audio and video).


I built a library of APIs that can help you to add advanced features to your applications. Those APIs must be called in JavaScript and can be mixed each other or with other functions. From my tests, I have not detected any conflicts with multiple JavaScript frameworks. I tried to be as complete as possible to recreate all basic functions of a modern application (read and write a file, using notifications center, manipulate the window, …).


With Sentenza Desktop you can codesign your application without using any external tools. You will have the choice to compile a .pkg package (for Application Loader submission) or a .xcarchive package (for XCode submission). An Apple Developer Account is required to publish your applications on the Mac App Store.


Here is a non-exhaustive list of features:

  • Build applications for Mac OS X 10.6 (Snow Leopard) or newer (32/64-bits)
  • Optimized for Mac OS X 10.8.2 (Mountain Lion)
  • Build light & portable applications (core < 200 kb)
  • Fully independant (not a web-service like PhoneGap)
  • Core has been built in native Objective-C and doesn’t require any frameworks
  • 30 APIs available, those can be called in JavaScript
  • GUI of applications built with Sentenza Desktop is automatically available in En, Fr, De, It and Es !
  • Save your project as .stzdprj (XML-based)
  • Window fully customizable (size, status bar, modal, resizable, …)
  • Use HTML5 LocalStorage to save datas easily
  • Enable fullscreen mode to give a new dimension to your applications
  • Enable WebGL to make awesome 3D applications
  • Include help in your application
  • Customize About window and application icon
  • Enable/Disable back-forward
  • Enable/Disable scroll bounce (elastic)
  • Use a custom user-agent
  • Compatible with distant PHP
  • Fully compatible with most JavaScript frameworks
  • Publish your applications on the Mac App Store
  • User interface available in french and english (log in english)
  • No visual references to Sentenza Desktop in your applications
  • Automatically check for updates
  • Online help and complete API documentation
  • Lifetime license, without hidden or monthly fees
  • Free updates !
  • And more…



  • Intel, 64-bit processor
  • OS X 10.7 or later
  • XCode 4.5 or later (for Mac App Store submission via XCode)
  • Application Loader 2.8 or later (for Mac App Store submission)
  • Apple Developer Account (optional, only to deploy on Mac App Store)

ScreenShots :



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