Screensaver Ninja 1.1 – Keep vital information in-view
Screensaver Ninja promises that you will never miss important information again: display it as your screensaver. Screensaver Ninja displays the Web sites you care about, such as Google Analytics, KISSmetrics, Geckoboard, Chartbeat, and New Relic as your screensaver so that the information comes to you.
Run it on your computer and be greeted by the information you care about instead of a blank screen. Or run it on a dedicated screen and everybody at the office will benefit from the data dashboard.
- Robust – Native screensaver built with the best technologies of OS X and Windows
- Secure – Time-proven screensaver lock preventing strangers from tampering with your sites
- Fresh – Auto-reloading Web sites will prevent them from going stale or locking up
- Sessions – Session management for sites that require you to log in
- Powerful – Ninja uses WebKit to render Web sites using modern tech: HTML5, CSS3, etc.
- Flexible – With custom CSS and JavaScript per page, make the most of your screen real estate
Version 1.1:
- Added keyboard shortcut to go to previous site in screensaver (p)
- Added Cmd-w shortcut to close Screensaver Ninja (configuration app)
- Made the loading logo less intrusive
- Added support for local files (example: file://path/to/local.html)
- Added support for adding sites by clicking a custom URL in browsers (links with format: screensaverninja://addsite/
- Bugfixes and optimizations
- Intel, 64-bit processor
- OS X 10.9 or later
ScreenShots :
Once you clicked on the download link, a new window may popup lead you to a different website! close that window and click on the same download link again to go the download page. You may face the same thing on the download page.
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Size – 5.7MB
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