Middle Earth Shadow of Mordor 1.0 – Open World Action & Fantasy Game


Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor is a new generation game, the events of which take place in the famous Middle-earth. A thrilling story of revenge and redemption awaits you. Play the role of ranger Talion, whose family died at the hands of Sauron’s minions. Talion himself did not escape a cruel fate, but the Spirit of Vengeance brought him back to life and endowed him with supernatural powers. Now the ranger returned from the dead must go into the depths of Mordor to fulfill his oath and destroy those who destroyed his life. Over time, the truth will be revealed to him about what kind of Spirit brought him back to the world, he will learn about the rings of power and will fight his enemy.


Each opponent the player encounters will be unique – with its own characteristics, strengths and weaknesses. Thanks to the Nemesis System mechanics, enemy relationships and their characteristics are determined depending on the player’s actions and decisions. The dynamic world of Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor remembers you, reacts to your decisions and adapts to them. Here, each player will live his own unique adventure.



Version 1.0:

  • Release notes were unavailable when this listing was updated.



  • Intel, 64-bit processor
  • OS X 10.10.3 or later




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Size – 68.74GB