Freeway Pro 7.0.1 – Drag-and-drop Web design solution
Freeway Pro lets you build websites with speed and precision… without writing a line of code!
With it’s user-oriented drag-and-drop interface, Freeway Pro helps you piece together the website of your dreams. Add images, audio, video and interactive content — when your masterpiece is complete, Freeway Pro converts it into clean, standards-compliant code at the click of a button!
Beyond Web Design
Freeway isn’t just for web designers: Leverage the power of the intuitive interface to create eye-catching email newsletters that work with all major email clients!
Pro-level Options
Freeway Pro is more advanced than its counterpart, Freeway Express:
- Access hundreds of plugins.
- Create pixel-perfect style sheet layouts.
- Animate your content with fluid transitions.
- Add sophisticated search capabilities to your site.
- Import professional graphic types.
- … And much, much more!
Version 7.0.1:
- Fixed a problem that caused the Google Analytics Action to stop collecting data
- Fixed a crash that could occur when dragging a guide from a ruler
- Pressing Return or Enter inserts a text cursor into a zero-height HTML box with undefined height
- Inflow graphics with item mappings are published correctly
- Graphics aren’t occasionally output with a solid black background
- Intel
- OS X 10.6.8 or later
ScreenShots :
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Size – 44MB
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