Timeless 1.93 – Gorgeous alarm clock and reminder app
Timeless is the best and most gorgeous alarm clock and reminder app for your Mac. With its beautiful and easy to use interface, Timeless is a pleasure to use and will integrate seamlessly into your workflow, from morning till night.
Key Features:
- Ability to set unlimited unique alarms
- Ability to add custom titles to each alarm
- Beautiful full screen Nightstand Mode
- Choose from a wide array of alarm sounds
- Ability to add in your own custom alarm sounds
- Snooze functionality with adjustable snooze time
- Alarm volume adjustability
- Support for Fading In of alarms
- Gorgeous time-based user interface colours
- Ability to run the app via both the menu bar and the Dock
- The slickest and best Alarm clock app for your Mac
- Lightning fast and very easy to use
- Pleasant colours and a user interface that adjusts according to the time of day
- The ability to input unlimited alarms and reminder notes means you’ll never miss a beat!
- Customizable to your personal tastes
- Regular free updates
Version 1.93:
- Added support for Apple Silicon M1
- Intel, 64-bit processor
- OS X 10.10 or later
ScreenShots :
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Size – 17MB