The Hit List 1.1.23 – Advanced reminder application


The Hit List manages the daily chaos of your modern life. It’s easy to learn – it’s as easy as making lists. And it’s powerful enough to let The.Hit.Listyou plan, then forget, then act when the time is right.


Your life is complicated enough as it is. The tool to manage your life shouldn’t be. The Hit List keeps things simple by not forcing you to learn a system. It can be as simple as just keeping a list of things to do as you would on a piece of paper. However, if you do have a task management system such as Getting Things Done by David Allen, The Hit List is flexible enough to support you.


Forget what you need to do. With confidence.



Version 1.1.23:

  • Improved crash reporting
  • Fixed Quick Entry with Context feature not working in Safari. OS X 10.11.5 update has made getting the selection in Safari not possible by default. As a result, the selection in Safari no longer gets turned into a task’s notes. If you’d like that feature back, you must enable the ‘Allow JavaScript from Apple Events’ option in Safari’s Develop menu.



  • Intel, 64-bit processor
  • OS X 10.7.5 or later

ScreenShots :



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Size – 10.3MB