Stringed 2.20 – Shift pitch and manipulate tempo
Stringed is the perfect tool for every musician. By allowing you to tweak any song’s speed and pitch, you will be able to learn any song in no time!
- Pitch Shifting: You won’t need to retune your instrument anymore!. With Stringed, you will be able to change any song’s pitch up to 12 semitones (up or down!).
- Tempo Tuning: Slow down any tricky solo!. Speed up slow sections. With Stringed’s tempo tunning feature, you will be able to tweak the tempo 50% faster or slower.
- Loops: Select any region you wanna loop, toggle the Loop switch, and hit play. That’s all you’ll ever need to do. You can play over your favorite song’s solo, over and over again!
- Supported Formats: Stringed will open audio files encoded in: AIFF, WAV, MP4, and MP3.
Version 2.20:
- Fixed a macOS Sonoma bug that caused the Waveform to end up blurry
- Improved performance and modernized inner workings!
- Intel, 64-bit processor
- macOS 11.0 or later
ScreenShots :
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Size – 8.1MB