MacFonts-TechFonts 1.1 – MacFonts Tech Collection

A premier collection of 10 futuristic and digital style fonts, including a personal AND commercial use license for a single user so you can use the fonts in any home, business or for-profit project. All fonts are available in OpenType format and work in all applications including Quark, Illustrator, Photoshop, Microsoft Office, iLife, iWork, Pixelmator and more.
Advantages of OpenType Fonts:
The OpenType font format provides a single cross-platform compatible font file for easy font management and improved document portability between the Mac and PC platforms; ability to embed fonts into PDF projects; superior print quality; and improved language support with an expanded set of international characters including the Euro currency symbol.
Recommended for:
- Web development
- Graphic designers
- Creative artists
- Corporate design
- Self-publishing
- Game development
- Printers
- Online and print publications
- Advertisements
- Catalogs
- Brochures
- Manuals
- Product design
- Direct marketing
- Mailing campaigns
- Video editing
- Print and Broadcast media
- Greeting cards
- Wedding and party invitations
- Event announcements
- T-shirts
- Calendars
- Newsletters
- Banners
- Signs
Version 1.1:
- Bug Fixes
- Engine Enhancements
- Added Help Screens
OS X 10.6 or later

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