Live Wallpaper 2.5 – Wallpapers with live clock and weather forecasts
Live Wallpaper is a beautiful wallpaper application with live clock and weather forecast. It provides a variety of themes which has different layouts and unique styles. Currently, we have 12 themes and we are adding themes continuously (All themes are free). Each theme has the unique layout, clock, text, and weather forecast.
The application provides a variety of preferences. The main customization of each live wallpaper contains up to 4 parts
1) Wallpaper. Use default wallpaper of each theme of select your own wallpaper. Some themes have animating wallpapers.
2) Clock. Choose time format. You can hide or show it.
3) Custom text. Change your text. Also, you can hide or show it.
4) Weather forecast. Choose your location. The weather data shows up to 5 days depends on each theme. Also, you can hide or show it.
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Version 2.5:
- Fix Theme randomly change in some rare case.
- Fix Desktop Icon disappear in Snow Leopard.
Intel, Mac OS X 10.6 or later
ScreenShots :
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Size – 103.1MB
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