HueShifter 1.2.0 – Image color shifting application
HueShifter is an amazing new application for doing color transposition or “color shifting” in images. Unlike other graphics applications, HueShifter works in perceptually uniform colorspace so you can make changes that are virtually imperceptible, all while working with color dimensions that you’re familiar with – hue, saturation and lightness.
HueShifter works right alongside Adobe Photoshop and many other image editing applications. It supports Drag & Drop and Copy & Paste, so it’s easy to get image data in and out. Drag or paste images into HueShifter, then drag or copy the results back to another app. Or use HueShifter’s selections to make a grayscale mask for use as a layer mask in another app. Plus, HueShifter supports images with alpha and it maintains embedded color profiles so your colors remain accurate.
Version 1.2.0:
- Added a masking feature to allow you to paint-out areas that will be excluded from hue shifting. It currently has a very minimal user-interface, but it uses standard Photoshop keyboard conventions to control the brush size, softness and color. See “Changing colors” in the built-in help for more information.
- Changed the behavior of drag & drop to prevent inadvertently changing the contents a file-based document. HueShifter now offers the choice of replacing the current image or opening a new window.
- Fixed a couple memory bugs that could cause a crash when using “Revert to Saved” or when pasting or dropping an image while Hueshifter was processing an image in that window.
- Added some missing color conversions for Lab, HSB/HSV and HSL colorspaces when using the system color picker to specify or pick up a target hue. Previously, the hue was calculated in Luv colorspace regardless of the selected working colorspace.
- Fixed bug in code that was supposed to prevent file name collisions when dragging an image to the Finder. A collision could occur if the file name contained unescaped characters like spaces, and the original file would be overwritten.
- Turned on lossless LZW compression when saving TIFF files to reduce file sizes. This shouldn’t have any functional impact when using the TIFF files with any other app, so let us know if it impacts your workflow in any way.
- Added tool tips to some UI controls
- Silenced some debugging statements being logged to the console
- Fixed a few small memory leaks
- Misc minor fixes
- Intel, 64-bit processor
- OS X 10.6 or later
ScreenShots :
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