Decloner 1.6.1 – Find and eliminate duplicate files on your Mac
Decloner helps you find and eliminate duplicate files on your Mac. It uses SHA-1 algorithm to reliably determine if files are identical. Decloner has a simple straightforward user interface where you only need to choose where to scan, and Decloner will find duplicate files in those locations and all the subdirectories. You can scan multiple folders, iPhoto and Aperture libraries. Decloner then will show you the found duplicates and help get rid of them safely. Decloner never deletes anything permanently. All removed files are moved into the Trash so you can always restore them if you change your mind. The unique virtual Decloner Trash acts as a staging area for the files you remove before they are actually deleted. When determining which files to delete, you can see their information and use QuickLook to examine the contents just like you would do it in Finder. You can define file name exclusion patterns, and ignore small files. Decloner can process large number of files on internal or external disk drives. For your convenience Decloner includes Sparkle auto-update feature.
Version 1.6.1:
- Fixed crash when deleting images from iPhoto or Aperture
- Fixed truncated button titles on OS X 10.10 Yosemite
- Intel, 64-bit processor
- OS X 10.6.8 or later
ScreenShots :
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