CloudPull 2.5.2 – Seamlessly backup your Google account on your Mac

CloudPull 2.5.2

CloudPull seamlessly backs up your Google account to your Mac. It supports Gmail, Google Contacts, Google Calendar, Google Drive (formerly Google Docs), and Google Reader. By default, the app performs backups every hour, and maintains old point-in-time snapshots of your accounts for 90 days.



  • Support for up to ten Google accounts
  • The ability to run CloudPull as a background app
  • The ability to store your backup files in an alternate location


Backup file formats:

  • Email messages can be imported into Apple Mail individually.
  • Entire email labels can be imported into Apple Mail as mailboxes.
  • Contacts can be imported into Address Book.
  • Calendars can be imported into iCal.
  • Documents, presentations, and spreadsheets from Google Drive can be opened with Microsoft Office, and can also be imported into Pages, Keynote, or Numbers. Other files from Google Drive are backed up in their native formats.


With Google Reader shutting down, CloudPull provides an easy way to preserve and export your Google Reader data:

  • CloudPull can export Starred, Shared, or Liked articles into a single HTML Bookmarks file suitable for importing into Safari, Chrome, and Firefox.
  • CloudPull can export Google Reader subscriptions into an OPML file, suitable for importing into most news readers including NetNewsWire.


CloudPull provides a Mac native interface for working with your backups:

  • You can browse current backups and backups from old snapshots.
  • You can preview backed up items via Quick Look.
  • You can restore items by dragging them to the Finder.



Version 2.5.2:

  • Fixed a bug that, in certain cases, resulted in events being excluded from calendar backup files.
  • Added the ability to back up responses from legacy forms on Google Drive. Responses from newer forms are only backed up if those responses are stored in a Google Drive spreadsheet.
  • Made the username field in the login web view editable.
  • Fixed a cosmetic bug with a progress indicator when running under OS X 10.9 Mavericks.
  • Improved the performance of updating the list of mail labels that should be backed up for an account.



  • Intel, 64-bit processor
  • OS X 10.7.5 or later
ScreenShots :

CloudPull 2.5.2    CloudPull 2.5.2    CloudPull 2.5.2

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