Solar Walk 2.0.1 – Astronomer-friendly space exploration tool


This 3D Solar System model enables you to navigate through space and time, observe all the planets in close-up, learn their trajectories, inner structure, history of their exploration, points of interest and more. Use 3D mode to get a more realistic experience! And zoom out to view and spin the entire Galaxy!



  • GALAXY view – absolutely magical zoom out to view the whole galaxy option.
  • SATELLITES – real-time trajectories of the most interesting artificial Earth’s satellites
  • LOCATIONS – the biggest cities of the Earth, as well as sights of the Moon, Mars and Venus.
  • MOVIES – explain basic physical phenomena
  • 3D SOLAR SYSTEM model
  • INFO about all planets: general info, its name, its mass, radius, distance to the sun, internal structure with the picture and science missions.
  • TIME MACHINE – slide the time scale and the sky will start moving accordingly. Tap year, month and time and change them depending on what you want to see, the display will adapt accordingly to show you how planets were aligned at that time.



Version 2.0.1:

New features:

  • Added Curiosity model on Mars
  • Added info about Curiosity in “Science Missions” of Mars
  • New models and textures for Phobos and Deimos
  • Added “weight” to planets.
  • New info with more images from ESA and ESO
  • Amazing internal structure of planets
  • New multi-touch gesture allows two-finger swipe to move selected object off the central position. It can be used to create stunning images and to view the motion of planets from unusual angles.
  • New objects:asteroids, comets, dwarf planets
  • Enhanced graphics and animation for the Sun and the planets
  • Bookmarks: a list of preset flights through space to show the most amazing views of the Solar System
  • Added a new movie about the Cassini mission
  • Optimised precision of orbits’ calculation for the moons of Mars, Saturn, Jupiter, Uranus and Neptune
  • Changed the Hyperion model
  • Sound On/Off option


Fixed bugs:

  • Fixed bugs connected with the satellites trajectories
  • Fixed the bug with the Nereid trajectory
  • The blur effect of the Earth has been improved
  • The revolution of Neptune and Pluto satellites has been fixed
  • Fixed the name of Olympus Mons crater on Mars
  • Added a star “R leporis” to the search



OS X 10.6.6 or later

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