Invoice 3.3.11 – Create and manage invoices


Invoice allows you to style your finances.Invoice


Invoice is an application with a wide array of features. The goal was to make a Mac-friendly application with all the required features for Mac users. Currently Invoice only supports English and German language.


Style your invoices with PDF – Create your own background with your favorite application like Pages, etc. and save it as PDF. Load the PDF as background for your invoice and add “autofields” (invoice number, name, address, etc.) to the layout.


Track your tasks and invoice them – A must have requirement for freelancers and everyone who must keep track of their invested time. Invoice your tasks with simply a click.


Get contacts from Address Book – Get your contacts directly from your Address Book. You have also the freedom to modify your contacts without side effects in your Address Book. Synchronize modifications with your Address Book only if you wish to do so


Control paid and open invoices – A simple flag can track your open invoices. Find unpaid invoices and don’t lose the overview.


Manage your own article catalog – A simple article catalog can store your articles, which you can use to build your invoices later. With a simple flag, articles are also “supply of services” which you can use to build invoices from your tasks.


Set your own format and counter for your invoice number – Define your own format for your invoice number. Place a counter into the format.



Version 3.3.11:

  • Bugfix: Fixed a bug that occurs when exporting XML files. The XML files can be used to import data to Totals.



Mac OS X 10.6.8 or later

ScreenShots :



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Size – 6.4MB


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