InstaTab Pro for Instagram 1.03 – Access Instagram directly from your mac desktop


InstaTab Pro for InstagramInstaTab Pro for Instagram is new way to access your Instagram. Doesn’t have enough space for a menubar app? Not a problem. We introduce InstaTab Pro that will stick on edges of your screen.


InstaTab Pro for Instagram with these Charming features:


Access your Instagram with “1 click” from your menubar,red camera icon in menubar, Desktop mode with attachments, Popup notifications, Stealth mode, Full screen support and much more!


1. It is Convenient to access to Instagram via your Mac’s menu bar


Access your Instagram with “1 click” from your menubar or you can via its customizable hot key (Command + G).


2. New picture notifications with customizable audio alerts


When you’ve got an updates via a vivid red menu bar icon we’ve made it really simple to know.


3. Mobile & desktop mode, you can easily alternate between modes


4. Popup notifications support


You can enable a popup notification for every time you receive a new updates posts.


5. Stealth mode, adjust the transparency of the tab with the opacity control slider. Use stealth mode to secretively check your photos and updates without anyone else noticing.


6. Resizable tab window, easily increase/decrease the tab window to your liking


7. Tab can be dragged and pulled using physical principle


8. Auto hidet Tab when inactive eg. for watch movie


You’ll soon be able to discover new posts when you receive new posts software icon is colored.



Version 1.03:

  • add menu item “hide transparent control”



OS X 10.8 or later, 64-bit processor

ScreenShots :



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