Flint v1.2.2 – Minimalist Campfire client

Flint is a brand new client for CampfireTM. A beautiful and minimal app, designed to let you do what you need and get out of your way.
- Growl notifications, dock badges, and sound notifications for messages
- Shows user avatars for a more friendly experience
- Supports multiple Campfire sites
- Uses streaming API for instant notifications
- Upload files by drag and drop (upload those animated gifs with ease)
- Open multiple rooms simultaneously in different windows/tabs
- Quickly find text in current room
- Highlights any messages that mention you and any other keywords you want to be brought to your attention
- Preview full-size images without leaving the app
- Inline previewing of images – whether from uploads, image links, or from a number of other sites (CloudApp, YouTube, Vimeo, Instagram, TwitPic, Dribbble and more)
Version 1.2.2:
- Added support for new emoji added in Mountain Lion (10.8 only)
- Added sounds: bezos, clowntown, deeper, heygirl, inconceivable, sexyback, trololo, what, whoomp
- Fixed a crash when loading the lobby
- Fixed reconnecting to rooms during Power Nap
- Intel, 64-bit processor
- OS X 10.7.3 or later

ScreenShots :

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