Feedy 1.0 – RSS reader that uses social networks to help deliver the most popular news

Feedy 1.0

Feedy is an elegant and unique RSS news reader with a killer feature. By using data from Twitter and Facebook, Feedy determines which items in your feeds are the most popular so you can find them easily.


There are a lot of other cool features too…

  • Built-in support for Readability for clutter-free reading
  • Clean and intuitive user interface
  • Top stories highlighted so you don’t miss anything important
  • Choose to only receive a selection of the most popular stories from a feed
  • Sort stories by time or by rating
  • Highlight stories by using personal keywords
  • Support for Notification Center in Mountain Lion
  • Retina support, folders, favorites, search and much more


How does it work? Feedy assigns each item in your feeds a rating. The rating is generated by looking at the number of tweets and shares from social media sites, which tend to be a good indicator of how interesting an article is. Feedy also assigns high ratings for feeds that update infrequently, so you don’t miss that rare post from your favorite blog.


Intel, 64-bit processor, OS X 10.7 or later

ScreenShots :


Feedy 1.0    Feedy 1.0    Feedy 1.0

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