SOHO Organizer v9.3.1 – Personal Organizer and Group Organizer
SOHO Organizer is the official successor to Personal Organizer and Group Organizer and represents a 100% Cocoa rewrite of the former products. This means SOHO Organizer presents a first-class Mac OS X experience complete with all the features Mac OS X users expect: Aqua interface, Unicode compliance, built-in spell checking, Service support,
etc. Finally, the true benefit of a complete Cocoa rewrite is that SOHO Organizer is built for the future and can easily accommodate future technologies (think Intel-based Macs).
It embraces and leverages popular Mac OS X technologies and applications instead of trying to replace them. For example, it synchronizes seamlessly with the Address Book and iCal so that users can continue to use them and other applications that rely on their data. Users can thus use Apple’s iSync to synchronize their contacts and calendars in SOHO Organizer to cell phones, iPods, Palm handhelds, and even .Mac.
- Added warning if a customer tries to create a repeating task in an iCloud or OS X Server CalDAV account since these servers don’t yet support this facet of the CalDAV specification
- Improved display of overlapping events in Day and Week views so they cascade over one another instead of tiling
- Fixed errant “your accounts aren’t configured” message when creating an e-mail alarm under Lion and Mountain Lion
- Fixed problem that occurred under Leopard where events would sometimes disappear or not draw correctly in the Week view
- Fixed problem with CalDAV accounts where changes made while offline sometimes wouldn’t sync to the server