Scrivener 3.3.4 – Project management and word processing tool for writers


Scrivener is a project management and writing tool for writers of all kinds that stays with you from that first unformed idea all the way through to the first – or even final – draft. Outline and structure your ideas; take notes; storyboard your masterpiece using a powerful virtual corkboard; view research while you write; track themes using keywords; dynamically combine multiple scenes into a single text. Scrivener has already been enthusiastically adopted by best-selling novelists and novices alike. Outline… Edit… Storyboard… Write.



Version 3.3.4:

Scrivener 3.3.4 improves overall stability, addressing the following issues:

  • Fixed a bug on Intel machines whereby the effects of the centre and right options in scriptwriting settings were swapped.
  • Fixed a crash in page view mode when zoomed on macOS 14.
  • Fixed a crash on macOS 14 triggered while typing with auto-completions turned on (especially prevalent in scriptwriting mode). This was caused by a conflict between auto-completions and Sonoma’s new inline predictions. Scrivener’s auto-completion Settings have been updated to accommodate this.
  • Fixed a bug that would cause page view to take a long time to lay out, and which could also cause a crash during layout.
  • Fixed a crash that could be triggered after closing a project if composition mode had been used.
  • Fixed an issue where labels without titles would draw incorrectly in footer bars.
  • Adjusted the way line positions are calculated in synopsis areas, which for some users was causing a crash upon entering composition mode.
  • Changed the way projects monitor Settings changes to try to work around a rare crash.
  • Modernised the way UI translations are stored and handled, which will make improving translations easier in the future.



  • Intel, 64-bit processor
  • macOS 10.13 or later

ScreenShots :



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Size – 66.8MB