Mornings 2.0 – Alarm clock app with iTunes support

Mornings 2.0
Mornings is a beautiful alarm clock app for your Mac. Wake up to your own music and snooze using your Apple remote.

Features in detail:
  • Many original sounds: cow moo, several ringers, “System Activated” voice, a buzzer, a rooster (perfect for mornings, and more!)
  • Import your own sounds! If you have MP3 or WAV files on your computer, you can use them too
  • Use an iTunes playlist. Music in the list will play when the alarm goes off!
Multiple themes to display the time, each with color choices!
  • Classic LCD: just like the clock next to your bed: in red, calculator “black/gray”, and multiple vibrant colors (strawberry, bluish, green, sunrise!)
  • Modern: elegant text with a subtle shadow, with a variety of colors.Two animated themes:
  • Animated: Time “fireworks”
  • Animated: Spacetime
  • All themes support 24-hour or 12-hour time, based on your Mac clock settings.
Multiple alarms, each with unique sound
  • Set alarms to repeat once, daily, or on some days of the week
  • Set multiple alarms. For example, you can set an alarm to go off at 9 a.m. and another at 11 a.m., if you and your spouse have to wake up at different times.
  • Snooze with a big snooze button or using the Apple remote.
Version 2.0:
  • New countdown timer mode
  • Relaxing sleep music timer
  • World clock
  • Calendar
  • Adjustable snooze time
  • Full-screen and resizable clock window
  • Keyboard shortcuts
Intel, OS X 10.6 or later
ScreenShots :

Mornings 2.0    Mornings 2.0    Mornings 2.0

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