dEntropy 1.01 – Tidy your folder and files from your desktop

Your download folder bristles? Your desktop almost breaks from your last month’s files you just wanted to „buffer here until tomorrow“? Even in our virtual life the entropy rises from day to day and hinders us from accomplishing important tasks. Everybody wants to fight their personal entropy but „ain’t nobody got time for that!?“ How about letting someone else do the fight for you?
I suffered the same problem and developed this app for me and my close friends. From the beginning it was clear to me I didn’t want to have a long and complicated setup. I wanted it to be just as complicated as it needed to be, to be as efficient as possible.
– 1-2 minute Setup
– Lives in your Menubar. Lightningfast access!
– Highly efficient drag & drop handling
– Tidies your folder by creating categories for your files
– Add folders by drag & drop
– Automatize your cleanup by just one click of your mouse
– Automatically tidy files you haven’t touched for one week
– Put screenshots from your Desktop to the place you want them to be
– Create an Archive! Sort files from wherever you want into your Archive.
– Find out about the magic of ##Tags## for all of your files
– You need some file and can’t remember where you archived it? Use the searchfunction and get it back with just one click
– Create a „Special“ folder (your desktop?) you tidy up into a dedicated directory
– Statistics: See how much work I took out of your hands and use your energy for something that really matters!
Version 1.01:
- Added new fancy (retina) icons to improve look & feel
- Added new file extensions (Open Office Documents)
- Added Lion (10.7) support!
OS X 10.7 or later, 64-bit processor