SmartDay 3.1.0 – Integrated organizer with automatic scheduling
SmartDay is an integrated organizer that automatically schedules tasks into the free time in your calendar. SmartDay uses adaptive logic to organize your projects, tasks, appointments and check-lists. The included Cloud hub (free) keeps you connected across all of your Macs and PC’s, and syncs with our iPad organizer, SmartPad.
Beauty in Simplicity… SmartDay was inspired by Steve Jobs’ obsession with zen and simple design: it drops down from the top menu bar on your Mac into a minimalist column of focused information, and can dock unobtrusively to either side of the desktop. The design allows you to stay on task while minimizing desktop clutter and maximizing the space available for other critical software applications. A full-featured task and project manager folds out into a second column and features pre-set “smart” filters for increased efficiency and clarity.
Discrete but instantly available… Pin or hide SmartDay on your desktop; You can always find SmartDay because it’s on the status bar on the top of your Mac!
Connected… SmartDay synchronizes with our free browser-based organizer so you can access your information anywhere, from any computer. It also synchronizes with SmartPad, our iPad organizer. Now you can keep organized and integrated in your office, at home, or on the go. SmartDay also syncs both events and reminders with iCal (except read-only calendars), providing connectivity to external calendars such as iCloud, BusyCal, Exchange, Outlook and Google.
How it works… Organize tasks into different project categories. SmartDay then integrates them into one combined Task list. User Smart filters to sort and filter. SmartDay automatically schedules those tasks into the free time in your current day, placing them directly into your calendar. The integrated calendar adapts as time passes, so tasks that you do not complete simply get pushed down the time line and stay persistent – they will be at the top of your calendar tomorrow! In the Task list, drag tasks into the “Do Today” section to see what fits (some other tasks may automatically drop out), and in the Day Calendar, drag the shaded “working hours” pane to allow more – or less – tasks to flow in from the Task list. Integrated, interactive, and intuitive. Now you have direct control over your day.
GTD becomes GTDo… Our unique GTDo filter picks the top task from each project category, and schedules them into your current day. Mark one as “done” and the next task from that category automatically replaces it. This is an excellent and easy way to stay focused.
Version 3.1.0:
New sharing features! On your free SmartDay Online account:
- Share Projects
- Assign Tasks to others
- Invite Members to Meetings
- Share Notes
- Initiate, and join in, conversations about the Project or individual Tasks
Then on your Mac, open SmartDay to:
- View Shared Projects
- View Meeting Events from Shared Projects, in your Calendar
- View Tasks that have been Assigned to you by others
- View Tasks that you have Assigned to others from your Shared Projects
- View Conversation updates from your Shared Projects, as they come in
- Search support for Time Zones
- Fixed bugs
- Improved performance
- Intel, 64-bit processor
- OS X 10.8 or later
ScreenShots :
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