Panotour Pro 2.5 – Create professional-quality virtual tours
Panotour Pro enables you to create professional-quality, highly-customized virtual tours in minutes.
Zero programming – Panotour revolutionizes the creation of interactive virtual tours by freeing you from programming tasks. Everything is done in a few clicks using the software’s intuitive interface.
Multiple formats accepted – You can add and create interactions between images of any size (up to 360° x 180°) and almost all graphic formats (JPG, PNG, PSD/PSB, KRO, TIFF and RAW files from most cameras).
Customizable layout – The Panotour interface is customizable. You can enable or disable certain components, move them or even turn them into independent windows.
Version 2.5:
Video support:
- Panotour Pro is now able to manage spherical and flat videos as standard scenes.
- With this new feature come 2 new plugins “Video Control Bar” and a “Video Progress Bar”, and a new button combination in standard control bars “Play/Pause” to play/pause the video.
Stereoscopic 3D video support:
- This version supports stereoscopic videos scenes.
- The stereoscopic form:at can be selected between Top-Bottom and Side-By-Side.
- HMD support
- Tours generated by Panotour Pro are compatible with HMD (Cardboards, Homido, VR One, ColorCrossVR, Oculus DK1 and DK2, GearVR*), if they contain spherical scenes. * partial support
- With this feature come two new plugins, “WebVR button” that allows the user to enter VR mode on mobiles, and a “Prev/Next Keys” plugin to allow the user to change scene with keyboard while the HMD is on.
Web Content spots:
- With Panotour Pro, you can now add any web page in a distorted spot in your tour, over a wall, a screen, etc… just like you already do with images and videos.
- Add a booking form over a table, a youtube video on a TV screen, etc… easily.
Social buttons:
- A new plugin to be able to add the Facebook, Twitter and Google+ share and like/+1 buttons over the tour.
Analytics plugin:
- Add your Google Analytics tracking ID and you’ll be able to follow the loading of all scenes.
Loading transition plugin:
- This new plugin allows you to change the way the new loaded panorama appears over the older one.
- The animations only appear with HTML5 player when WebGL is activated.
New actions:
- There are many new available actions into the “view control”: zoom in/out, move left/right/top/bottom, look to.
- Some HTML5 plugins (Gallery, Social Share, PDF viewer, Web video viewer, Website viewer) receive the open, close and toggle actions.
- Some plugins (SmallGalleryBar, Compass, Radar, Simple button, Toggle button, WebVR button) receive the show, hide and toggle actions.
- Snow and Rain plugins receive the start, stop and toggle actions.
XML files generation enhanced:
- If your project is already built, the tour generation generates only the XML files.
- We enhanced the performance of this generation, so you’ll be able to see your modifications faster on a large tour with many scenes, many plugins and/or many spots.
Improved Tiles generation:
- Due to issues on mobile devices, MS Edge browser with WebGL renderer, the tiles of all full spherical panoramas are now resized to 512×512 pixels.
- /!\ WARNING: If your project is already built, all full spherical panoramas tiles will be rebuilt during next build to store tiles as 512×512 pixels sets.
- /!\ WARNING: If, in a previous version, you locked spherical panoramas to not generate their tiles anymore, you’ll have to unlock them during first build.
Automatic scaling on mobile devices:
- UI elements of the tour are automatically scaled on mobile devices.
- A new option in the Build properties allows you disable this option.
UI Enhancements:
- Search feature in Tour area : Just enter a part of a name to select all the panoramas or groups containing this text into their name
- We have added shortcuts to the hotspot editor to enhance productivity on spotting : Ctrl+F: Fullscreen, M: Move, L: Polygon, P: Picture, S: Spot, V: Video, C: Crop, Left/Right keys: Prev/Next pano
- Group windows are now resizable. They are still created by default with 2 columns of panoramas, but you can now resize them to facilitate tour management.
- Scene order can be changed easier than before, and groups display reflects the order of its scenes.
- Scenes can be duplicated
- Groups can be duplicated
- Plugin instances can be duplicated
- Spot style instances can be duplicated
- Plugins can be re-ordered with drag-n-drop
- The default view of flat scenes can be set to the whole scene more easily
- All tours are now generated for desktop and mobiles. And HTML5 is the standard and default player used. So there is now only one option that allows you to enable or not the flash player fallback.
- Panotour Pro interface is now available in Italian
Plugin Enhancements:
- Control Bars
- The home button in control bars is now able to load a specific URL.
- Previous/Next buttons can call the new actions “Load previous/next groups” instead of previous/next panorama.
- All control bars contain a new button that enable the activation of the VR mode.
- Social Share
- Social share plugin now allows you to share the tour on VK.
- Video Box
- Added SoundCloud as a possible provider.
- Gallery, Website Box, Video Box, PDF Box, Social Share plugins
- The buttons of the Gallery, Website Box, Video Box, PDF Box, Social Share plugins can be customized
- Tooltips can be set over these buttons.
- A background overlay image can be set behind these plugins.
- Double click
- Added double tap support.
- Title
- Added the possibility to use the group color when displaying the current group title.
- PanotourMaps
- Add 45° imagery support on Google maps layer
- Panorama Menu and Panorama List
- Support of the “current group” source.
- Generated tours now use the HTML5 player by default. Flash player is now mainly used as a fallback.
- Tooltips on point spots can be displayed permanently.
- If you run Panotour Pro in another language than english, Panotour Pro will generate a “messages” xml file suffixed by the language used in Panotour Pro.
- For example if you run PTP in german, and if your main tour file is mytour.html, the messages file is now mytour_messages_de.xml.
- A new advanced option in the Build properties, allow you to generate multiple languages files according to a list of languages you want to embed in your tour.
- A new advanced action allows you to switch from a language to another using those new files.
- Panotour Pro does not any translation, you’ll have to edit the generated files to translate your tour messages. Make sure you you back these edited files up, they will be overwritten if you build the tour again.
- This version of Panotour/Panotour Pro generates tours using the third pre-release of 1.19 version of krpano
Video scenes and Spots:
- Spots are static spots. Their positions are fixed in the sphere (or in the plane for planar video scenes) for the duration of the video.
Video scenes and HMD:
- To be displayed correctly on Android phones on VR mode, tours should contain only one video scene.
- To play a video on a mobile, users have to interact with the device, so mixing multiple videos in a single VR tour would require touching the mobile screen while it’s on the head.
- Windows Phone are not able to display spherical video scenes. They will be displayed as a flat video over the tour. So hotspots on videos are not displayed too.
- Spots that do not load another full spherical panorama are removed from the VR tour, except picture spots that do nothing.
- Polygon spots that load a panorama are converted into your default point spot.
- If your video scene file has sound, you have to set also a sound track to let this sound be played on iPhone
Web Content spots:
- Those spots are available only in Panotour Pro.
- They are displayed in the HTML5 player only, and they work great with the standard projection. If you change the projection of the viewer (Little Planet, Architectural, etc…) they will not exactly match the wanted area.
Tiles generation:
- If your project is already built, all full spherical panoramas tiles will be built during next build to store tiles as 512×512 pixels sets.
- If, in a previous version, you locked spherical panoramas to not generate their tiles anymore, you’ll have to unlock them during first build.
Internet Explorer 8 support:
- Google discontinued support of Internet Explorer 8 (IE8) for the Google Maps Javascript API v3 around August 31st 2015.
- IE8 is no longer supported by many websites, including Google Apps and Google Analytics.
- Microsoft has annouced that they will no longer support IE8 from January 2016 for desktop operating systems.
- Kolor will also discontinue support of IE8 into Panotour exports progressively.
- So we recommend that all users upgrade to more modern browsers.
Custom HTML templates:
- Custom HTML templates have to be updated to be able to use the VR mode of tours
- So if you are using some HTML templates based on those available on Panotour Pro documentation page, download their new version and update your own templates according to this new version.
Third-Party plugins:
- We did a fix on the all the plugins samples available on Panotour Pro documentation website.
- So if you are using some plugins samples available there, download their new version and update your own plugins according to this new version.
Panorama specific plugins:
- If your projects use some panorama specific plugins, you downloaded on our documentation dedicated page (Extra plugins), then update those plugins. If you don’t your tours may not work due to krpano changes in the management of variables.
For third party plugins developers:
- The 1.19 version of krpano manages additions/substraction during conditional tests. This new ability induces some errors if your code contains some variables with a minus “-” or “+” sign.
- Intel, 64-bit processor
- OS X 10.7.5 or later
ScreenShots :
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