iPhoto Library Manager 4.2.7 – Manage multiple iPhoto libraries and find duplicate photos


iPhoto Library Manager allows you to organize your photos among multiple iPhoto libraries, rather than having to store all of youriphoto-library-manager photos in one giant library. You can browse the photos in all your libraries directly from iPhoto Library Manager, without having to open each library in iPhoto just to see its photos, and search across all your libraries to help track down a particular photo.



  • Multiple iPhoto libraries. iPhoto Library Manager lets easily create libraries to split up your collection, avoiding iPhoto slowdowns.
  • Smarter searching. iPhoto Library Manager lets you search for photos across one library or many. You don’t even need to launch iPhoto.
  • Copy photos and metadata. Put everything in its right place by dragging and dropping images from library to library.
  • Nix the dupes. Need to identify and remove duplicate photos across multiple libraries? iPhoto Library Manager does it quickly and easily.
  • Merge libraries. Take entire libraries and merge them together into one, eliminating duplicates in the process.
  • FIx iPhoto corruption. Use iPhoto Library Manager to rebuild your library from scratch while retaining all your iPhoto organization and metadata.



Version 4.2.7:

  • Fixed a crash when calculating library sizes on OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard



  • Intel, 64-bit processor
  • OS X 10.6.8 or later
  • Apple iPhoto 8.1.2 or later

ScreenShots :



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Size – 8.1MB