Image Cleaner 1.1.1 – Fix Duplicates


Image Cleaner is the complete solution for finding and removing duplicate image files. If you are a point and shoot photographer, your hard drive will inevitably get filled up with a lot of nearly identical images that will take up a considerable amount of disk space. This is where Image Cleaner comes in with its advanced detection algorithm that will identify all your similar images fast and with a very high degree of accuracy. Duplicate image files can be marked for deletion either manually or automatically.


But here is what Image Cleaner has to offer:

  • Select the folder(s) that you want to scan for duplicate image files
  • Scan your Photos library for duplicate image files
  • Select the degree of similarity beyond which images will be considered duplicates
  • Set a minimum and maximum file size for the images that will be scanned
  • Scan all images or define a custom list of image formats that will be scanned
  • Move duplicate image files to trash or remove them permanently
  • Very fast and accurate algorithm for detecting similar images
  • User-friendly interface for selecting the duplicate image files that will be removed
  • Automatically select the duplicate image files that will be deleted by analysing their file size
  • The cases where similar images are not selected properly for deletion will be highlighted accordingly
  • Preview the currently selected image file so you can better identify the images you want to keep
  • Real-time indicator of the disk space that will be saved with the removal of the selected image files
  • Instantly move to trash/remove the selected duplicate image files



Version 1.1.1:

  • Bug fix: The app does not crash anymore while scanning the Photos library
  • Bug fix: The app does not crash anymore when selecting duplicate images for deletion
  • Minor user interface improvements



OS X 10.10 or later, 64-bit processor

ScreenShots :



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Size – 5.7MB