iCircuit 1.7 – Design and experiment with circuits


iCircuit is the easiest way to design and experiment with circuits. Its advanced simulation engine can handle both analog iCircuitand digital circuits and features realtime always-on analysis. It is the perfect companion to students, hobbyists, and engineers.


You use it as you would any CAD program: you add elements, connect them together, and set their properties. But iCircuit is unlike other CAD programs because it is always simulating. It’s just like working with the real circuit. You do not stop to take a measurement or spend a lot of time configuring reports. Instead, you just play with the circuit as you normally would, with the power on!


There are over 30 elements you can use to build your circuits. The app has everything from simple resistors, to switches, to MOSFETS, to digital gates.


The app features a multimeter that you use to probe around the circuit to instantly read voltages and currents. If you want to see how a value changes over time, then you can add values to the built-in oscilloscope. The scope can simultaneously track many signals over time and features a variety of automatic modes that make it easy for you to grasp the behavior of your circuit.


You can even export your circuits and PNGs, PDFs, and SVG files so that they are easy to include in reports or web sites. Scope data can even be exported for offline analysis.


Supported elements include:

  • Signal generators, Voltage sources, and Current sources
  • Resistors, Capacitors, Inductors, Potentiometers, Regulators
  • SPST/SPDT Switches, Relays, and Transformers
  • Diodes, BJ Transistors, and MOSFETs
  • Speakers, Microphones, Buzzers, DC Motors, and LEDs
  • Op-amps, ADCs, and DACs
  • Logic gates: AND, OR, NAND, NOR, XOR
  • JK and D Flip-flops
  • Over 30 74XX series ICs



Version 1.7:

  • Fixed adding elements to the scope
  • Fixed selecting small elements
  • Added antenna (AM and FM) and crystal oscillator
  • Numerous bug fixes and improvements



OS X 10.9 or later

ScreenShots :



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