Hear 1.2.3 – Improves audio quality and adds audio options system-wide


Hear greatly improves audio quality in movies and music throughout all of your Mac OS X applications. With Hear, music is Hearricher, movie sound and dialog is clearer and games will blow you out of your chair!


  • 3D Sound – Like movies? like’em more with virtual cinema quality sound experience. Sound will approach you from all angles, even from behind. You are there with Hear.
  • Equalizer – Perfect your sound with Hear’s studio quality N-band equalizer with built-in peak limiter. You’ve got control.
  • Speaker Correction – Control speaker resonance to increase frequency range and enhance sound.
  • Center Channel Control – Control the volume and width of the sound coming from your own virtual center-stage for performance-grade audio effects. A concert in your house.
  • Virtual Subwoofer – No Sub? No problem. Let Hear use your existing speakers to boost your bass. Don’t you need more thump in your life?
  • Ambience – Fine tune reverb to emulate any venue from phone booth to concert hall. Either way, it’s music to your ears.
  • Fidelity control – Music the way it was meant to be heard. Restore frequency, coloring and intensity lost during the recording process. Put more “hi” in your “fi”.
  • Much more – Hear can control the volume and quality of each application independently. You can control enable and disable each effect independently. You can apply the effects in any order for dramatic results. You can define and recall presets at any time. You can enjoy Hear’s effects through your computer’s speakers, headphones and external speakers. And you can do it all in an easy-to-understand user interface.


Hear more with Hear.



Version 1.2.3:

  • Added compatibility with Amazon Music and Steam



Intel, Mac OS X 10.6.8 or later

ScreenShots :



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