Condense 1.61 – Optical character recognition (OCR) application


Typing out has come to an end. Say ‚Hello‘ to Condense. Your easy to use optical character recognition (OCR) application.Condense


Imagine one of the following scenarios:


You’re writing an essay for University and you’ve to quote from a PDF, an EBook or one of your professor’s presentations? That’s a huge amount of text to extract… Loading whole PDFs into your OCR software and cutting out the parts you want is oftentimes more time lost than won.


You are watching a tutorial video on the web which contains several lines of programming code. You can’t find a link to the given example anywhere. What do you do? Retype all those lines?


Now you can do better:


Condense is featuring:


A 3-Step Workflow:
1. Press shortcut
2. Drag area around your text
3. Paste text

  • Beautiful Custom UserInterface
  • ~35 supported language settings
  • almost invisible MenuBar Mode
  • Archive containing the last batch of 5 scans which enables you to scan multiple quotes at the same time
  • QuickFix technology to fix mistakes fast and efficient
  • Preview Window
  • Remove linebreaks automatically



Version 1.61:

  • Bugfix regarding 10.8 compatibility



OS X 10.9 or later, 64-bit processor

ScreenShots :



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Size – 221.1MB


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