AutoMailer 2.9 – Send text and Web email to a large number of recipients


AutoMailer allows sending of personalised emails to multiple addresses, in text or web format, each merged with data from an internal AutoMailerdatabase. It lets you prepare and send an unlimited number of emails with a single click, each with custom contents depending of each recipient. AutoMailer is able to import from external sources in a smart and simple way. The user can import addresses and any kind of data from any database able to export in text format, whether CSV (comma-separated value),TSV (tab-separated value), or CSV-S (character-separated value using semicolon). The application is able to automatically detect during imports the data type and the file-encode method to provide imports of data without any problems.


Emails sent by AutoMailer are standard emails. People receiving the emails will not notice any difference compared to standard emails and they will be able to reply to them as usually.


AutoMailer is document-based and allows you to use as many documents as you need to manage all the different lists and required emails. AutoMailer is a flexible tools to manage your mailing list directly from your Mac.



Version 2.9:

  • Optimized for macOS 11 Big Sur
  • Universal format for Apple silicon and Intel-based Mac
  • Interface improvements
  • Bug fix



  • Intel, 64-bit processor
  • OS X 10.11 or later

ScreenShots :



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Size – 11.4MB