Applicons v1.2 – Generate all the icons for OS X and iOS

Applicons is an utility that allow you generate all the icons/iconset needed for OS X and iOS development (Mac, iPhone and iPad).

You can choose whether to apply the effects “rounded corners” or “reflected shine” to the icon.

The name of all the icons (iPhone, iPad) and the iconset (Mac) is changeable.
Choose to create the iconset folder or only the .icns file.
The image is resized (1024 px at 72 dpi) if it’s too large/small.
Save your template on iCloud.

iPhone application icons:

1024×1024 px (iTunesArtwork@2x);
512×512 px (iTunesArtwork);
114×114 px (AppIcon@2x);
57×57 px (AppIcon);
58×58 px (Settings@2x);
29×29 px (Settings).

iPad application icons:

1024×1024 px (iTunesArtwork@2x);
512×512 px (iTunesArtwork);
144×144 px (AppIcon@2x);
72×72 px (AppIcon);
100×100 px (Search@2x);
50×50 px (Search);
58×58 px (Settings@2x);
29×29 px (Settings).

Mac application icons:

1024×1024 px ([email protected]);
512×512 px (icon_512x512.png);
512×512 px ([email protected]);
256×256 px (icon_256x256.png);
256×256 px ([email protected]);
128×128 px (icon_128x128.png);
64×64 px ([email protected]);
32×32 px (icon_32x32.png);
32×32 px ([email protected]);
16×16 px (icon_16x16.png).

Version 1.2:
  • ICloud support
  • Added Italian translation

OS X 10.8 or later, 64-bit processor

ScreenShots :
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